Welcome to CandC Group

Services/ Out-Sourcing

C&C is one of the pioneers in the field of Outsourcing in Pakistan. Presently offering a wide range of Outsourcing services that allow the customers to cut down their turnaround time with considerable cost saving. C&C is operating with a number of senior staff having expertise in their respective fields,swiss replica watches who impart training to junior staff thereby creating a team of dedicated workers. One such job is the preparation of Foreign Exchange Returns, while a number of Data Entry projects have also been undertaken on customized systems. Following multinational banks/companies are availing these services when required, from C&C for the last many years.

Citibank N.A. Since 1986
American Express Bank
(Now American Express Bank)
Since 1989
Deutsche Bank 1990 2010
Standard Chartered Bank Since 2004
NIB Bank Ltd. Since 2006
MCB Bank Ltd. Since 2007
Barclays Bank PLC 2008 2010

C&C is providing Mail Management Services to at least three multinational banks at their site as well as off-site (at C&C premises). C&C's integrated operation offers comprehensive range of support services which include mail sort-out, dispatch services, supervising inbound mail gathered from various departments/ branches/ networks/ drop-boxes and regional centres, handling of documents, dispatch of statements of accounts and credit cards and preparation of relevant MIS reports etc. Following banks are availing complete or part of these services, when required.

Citibank N.A. Since 1987
Barclays Bank plc Since 2002
MCB Bank Limited Since 2007

C&C provided specialized services to following customers i.e. Card Holder Payment Processing. This service is based on credit card payments received through drop boxes the data is collated on a customized system of data input. This service also includes screening of cheques and stamping for clearing, and making the cheques ready for clearing.

Citibank N.A. 2000 2013
Standard Chartered Bank 2002 2014
MCB Bank Limited 2007 2014

C&C is also providing specialized services/solutions for warehousing of current and closed files/documents. The services are tailor-made to meet the customer’s needs and includes database as to the availability of documents and its locations in the warehouse, retrievals and tracking of issued documents/ files for their return.

Standard Chartered Bank Since 2002
SNIB Bank 2002 2006
Samba Bank (now Faysal Bank Ltd) Since 2009